Healing the world !
Corona, the coronavirus and its disease Covid-19 threaten humanity.
Solidarity, respect and love are required like never before.
The virus multiplies in the throat. While an infected person speaks or coughs, he drops droplets almost automatically. These fly about 1.5 to 2 meters (when sneezing even 4 - 5 meters) before it will fall slowly to the ground. The infection usually arises from inhalation of such droplets and the aerosol of the evaporation.
If you are concerned that you have already become infected through contact with an infected person, for example, you should contact the responsible health department by phone, email or whats app. The experts will advise you which measures have to be taken. To see actual dayly statistics about corona virus infection, please press here.

Coranavirus - How can you protect yourself?
According to experts, only special fine particle masks, also known as filtering face pieces (FFP), are suitable for protecting yourself from infection by droplets from sick people. They consist entirely or partially of non-replaceable filter material and reduce infectious aerosols in the inhaled air. During the SARS epidemic 2002/2003, some studies for so-called FFP3 masks had demonstrated a certain protective effect (up to 98% certain).
The WHO recommends that the masks are not used as a preventive measure for healthy people, but only for patients and people who may have been infected so that they do not spread the virus. In suspicious cases, medical personnel in particular should wear a mask to protect themselves from a droplet infection. To protect against viruses, the WHO and e.g. in Germany by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommended above all strict hand hygiene. Nevertheless, it makes sense to protect yourself largely as a healthy person and thus not to further heat up the infection chain.
In cooperation with Artforum Culture Foundation also the Winter Foundation Hamburg we would like to give you some tips and recommendations for self-protection:
The art of hygiene*
- Wash your hands
- Keep a safe distance.
- Disinfect incoming packages. Dispose of packaging material immediately.
- Wear respiratory protection on contact. (Sun) glasses. (Disposable) gloves.
- Only use towels yourself. Collect and wash in a safe sack after use.
- Wash glasses after every external contact, dispose of other materials in a small bag immediately.
After possible contact:
- Don't touch your face.
- Wash your hair Or better: take a short shower. Dry thoroughly.
Advice if breathing protection is not available:
Do it yourself!
Pattern for breathing masks.
Please use always actual information
Materials (in order from outside to inside)
- Thin plastic film (e.g. parts of a bag)
- Two to three layers of household towels
- Lay out a thin layer of cotton wool (or a cotton cloth)
- Activated carbon filter (e.g. for extractor hoods), if availabl
- Folded paper tissues (or two layers of toilet paper
Working steps
- Layer everything
- Make a pattern based on illustrations of breathing masks by eye, made of fabric that covers the nose, mouth and over the chin based on the standard breathing masks.
- Accordingly, the above material is modest in one operation
- Sew all layers together using the sewing machine or by hand at the edges.
- Sew on the elastic band (e.g. from underwear or pajamas) on the right and left, so that a loop is created that is sufficient and secure for fastening behind the ears.
- Make absolutely sure that such a mask surrounds the nose and mouth well on the outside and that there is enough space to breathe inside.
These recommendations are not guaranteed and are subject to better care and / or newer knowledge.
* A common project of WinterStiftung Hamburg, Artforum Culture Foundation and GoPublic-Stiftungsberatung
Stay healthy!