Dettmer, Jana. Modular Mixtures Installation

Jana Dettmer – Modular Mixtures

The work of artists is always evolving, reflecting their personalities and expressing their inner beliefs. The painter Jana Dettmer has been

Art Thessaloniki 2022. El Greco prize for Ilya & Emilia Kabakov

Make art Not war – Art Thessaloniki

Art Thessaloniki 

International contemporary art fair: 11/03. – 06/2022 Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, El Greco prize Art Thessaloniki 2022 El

Female View of the World - Dettmer, von Eschenbach, Ruffert, Zieleke. Catalogue ArtForum Editions

Female View of the World

The artists Jana Dettmer, Monika von Eschenbach, Anne Ruffert and Corinna Zielke worked together as a group for the show:

Zieleke, Corinna, no title, painting (detail)

Hamburg Foundation Days 2022

Doing good well – true to this guiding principle, the Winter Foundation is a strong partner for all those who

(c) kristine-bento-monteiro-muskulatur-real-home

Performance and digital art

The French performance artist Krisstine Bento Monteiro (KBM) brings herself into conversation on social issues with intensely colored performances, digital

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