World AIDS Day
AIDS, Corona and other pandemics can only be defeated together - or never.
More than 12 million people worldwide are still and again and again without possible medical HIV treatment. This hits people hard, particularly in poor countries, the so-called Third World. Corona exacerbates the inadequate supply. It is a sad realization that due to the corona pandemic, the number of almost 700,000 deaths from last year will increase by over than 100,000. But even if the evil is known and described, however, we are not a bit closer to a solution. If we really want more protection for ourselves, we need protection for all people. This is not only a requirement of humanity, but also a law of reason. In a global world there is no isolation, which is why it is all the more important: Everything you do for others will helps you too.

There is no other sensible way: Only an ongoing socio-political imperative to contain pandemics of all kinds with all necessary measures can solve the problem. Just as AIDS is indirectly affected by Corona, other co-factors such as the increase in domestic and sexual violence, poor hygiene standards and poor education must also be combated . If one thing has become clear through the fight against corona: financial means are available to help those affected. What is needed, however, is also the recognition of social networking, the political will to implement the aid - and solidarity between all of us.
Because World AIDS Day is not just today. AIDS Day is every day until this epidemic is contained.