On the occasion of the 5th Art Thessaloniki by HelExpo | Tsatsis in November 2021 Art Thessaloniki presents an important exhibition with works by Victor Vasarely. Vasarely (* 1906 in Pécs, † 1997 in Paris) - is considered one of the "fathers" of the Op Art movement. The exhibition takes place as part of the cultural partnership with the Osten Museum, Skopje.

Op Art works with the principle of optical illusion, so that a completely new aesthetic of painting emerges in the perception of the viewer. The Osten Museum's collection includes 90 works by Vasarely, including: drawings, serigraphs, mixed media works, objects, collages from the collection of the Hungarian collector Tibor Csepei. He was a friend of Vasarely, the manager and promoter of his works. Czepei holds over 800 works by Vasarely in his collection. The exhibition will provide an authentic insight into the artist's entire oeuvre.
The Winter Foundation is a partner of the Art Thessaloniki cultural program.
The exhibition will take place during the art fair on Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre of TIF HelExpo. The fair is located in the 'heart' of the city and close to the Byzantine Museum and the Archaeological Museum.
Running time: November 25-28, 2021.