
(c) Márta Czene. 3rd Ostrale Biennial 2021.

3rd OSTRALE Biennial

3rd OSTRALE Biennale. International exhibition of contemporary arts of the OSTRALE center for contemporary art. Given the ecological, social and economic dynamics of the last decade, it is becoming increasingly clear that the imperative of constant growth and development is no longer a sustainable vision for our future, if we want one at all. At the beginning of a new, post-pandemic era, the OSTRALE is now hopefully researching in 2021 how we can coexist with our fellow human beings, animals and our complex environment. (Winter Stiftung Hamburg)

Ostrale’ o16 – Error: X

Ostrale’ o16 Error: X Last yearly exhibition show of contemporary art trends. With contributions by Katerina Belkina, Michael Jansen a.o.

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